What Can “The Monty” Do For You?
Besides offering Captive and Commercial heat treaters around the world the latest news and trends in the industry “The Monty” offers so much more. For instance our interviews page https://themonty.com/interviews/ offers almost 50 interviews with some of the most influential people in the industry. Rich Ott of Linamar Gear one of the largest captive heat treaters in the world is included as are Mr. Stephen Harris, CEO of heat treating giant Bodycote, Pat Toruk of controls company UPC, Pat McKenna of Ipsen and a host of others. Interested in what Commercial Heat Treaters or Employees at Furnace Manufacturing companies get paid-we would suggest clicking on the “Articles” button on the top of the page and while you are at it find out who the Largest Commercial and Captive Heat Treaters in North America are.
If you are looking to Buy/Sell Used Heat Treating Equipment you have come to the right spot-click on the Used Equipment button on the top of this page for one of the most complete lists of used furnaces in North America. If a Free Appraisal of your surplus furnace (s) is of interest feel free to use our contact form. Looking to Hire? That would be the Employment button at the top of this page where you will also find a spot where you can post your resume for free! In short after almost 50 years in business WG Montgomery Ltd., parent company of “The Monty” can help you with pretty well anything to do with heat treating.