CO2 Emissions & The Heat Treatment Industry-Part IIII As already mentioned in many articles, the reduction of emissions as well as the energy efficiency of the entire process line are currently one of the top issues in industrial heat treatment processes,...
Which Has a Lower Carbon Footprint-Mesh Belt or Cast Link Furnace? Conveyor Hardening – Mesh Belt versus Cast Link Design: Reducing Carbon Footprint and Costs by: P. Kleinbrod, Aichelin GesmH Conveyor belt furnaces are a proven technology for quenching and tempering...
CO2 Footprints and the Heat Treatment Industry “The Monty Heat Treat News” published this article earlier this year but in 2023 we will be publishing a new series of articles related to CO2 emissions in conjunction with the “Aichelin Group”. In...
CO2 Emissions and the Heat Treatment Industry For years CO2 emissions have been a very hot topic in Europe but little talked about in North America. However under the current US and Canadian administrations emissions are being discussed more and more. “The Monty Heat...