Novatherm Seminar

To this press release we have to add that this is the third year in a row that “The Monty” has been a proud sponsor of this event. 

“The third edition of the Novatherm seminar held on October 3-5, 2018 in Poland has once again confirmed the organizers’ conviction that there is a strong and continuous interest amongst many players in the heat treating and related industries for such events. A full house of participants from around the world benefited from the opportunity to hear about innovations that improve manufacturing quality and efficiency from leading academic researchers and industry practitioners. Participants came from Europe, but also from as far as Asia and North America.

Presentation titles ranged from very specific themes such as “Anticorrosive nitriding of selected machine parts” and “The influence of glow discharge plasma on the nitriding process of Ti99.2 titanium”, to hot topics that have value for the industry like “Industry 4.0 in the heat treating industry – risks and benefits” and “Predictive maintenance and digitalization in heat treatment”. Organizers Nitrex Metal ( and United Process Controls ( thank all speakers, participants, as well as seminar partners and media sponsors for making this year’s seminar a success. Plans are already being made for the next edition of Novatherm in 2021. We look forward to seeing you again in 2021. For more information visit