Acquisition in the North American Commercial Heat Treat Industry

We promised our readers we would mention a small acquisition in the North American commercial heat treat industry which we knew would happen early in 2025, we can now share the details. February 1, 2025 “Atlantic Heat Treating” in Ajax, Ontario, Canada acquired “All-Source Heat Treating” in St. Catherines, Ontario, Canada. “All Source” was founded in 1997 by Mr. Wayne Howard and is a relatively small shop which offers vacuum hardening, carburizing, stress releiving and several other processes.
“Atlantic Heat Treating” was in the news recently when they Acquired another small heat treater in Ontario by the name of “Surface Heat Treating & Coatings”, December 2, 2024. When the dust has settled the 3 operations will be merged into 2 locations, one in Ajax, Ontario and the second in St. Catherines with Surface being closed and the equipment moved to the St. Catherines facility. 
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