Why is Rich Ott of Linamar Gear So Happy?
So why is Rich Ott of auto parts supplier Linamar Gear positively dancing with joy? Because Rich just finished reading the April 2021 issue of “The Monty Heat Treat News Magazine” The Monty Magazine April 2021 – Flipbook by The Monty | FlipHTML5 and now he is up to date on all the news and trends in the worldwide heat treatment industry.
Linamar Gear is a multi billion dollar per year auto parts supplier based in Canada. While many of their facilities around the world boast captive heat treat departments their location in Guelph is very unique. With twenty five 36 X 48 X 36 batch IQ furnaces in place the location has probably the largest batch IQ capacity in North America. Rich is a life long heat treater who has worked at companies such as Hinderliter Heat Treat and Bodycote and is in charge of all the heat treating at Linamar which means he made our recent list of the 30 Most Influential People in The North American Heat Treating Industry 2021 | The Monty In this photo he is seen with Gord Montgomery of “The Monty Heat Treat News”.
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