Where Are They Now-Don Longenette
Because of his years spent in the North American heat treat industry with companies such as Timken Bearings, Bodycote and Thermal Process Holdings Don’s is a name which is easily recognized by many. To take it one step further as Don was involved in heat treat start ups in Mexico, India, China and Thailand we could say that his name is well recognized even outside of North America. A year ago he surprisingly enough left the heat treating industry, however we all know nobody can ever actually leave the business which is why we were not surprised that he now is back and has set up A+ Heat Treating Services, LLC., in the Cleveland, Ohio area. While we are not at liberty to say what he will be doing we can say that we will be providing more details in the near future. We hunted around for a suitable picture and found this one from a few years back. Gord Montgomery is on the left and Don is on the right.