Watch a Vacuum Carburizing Line Being Installed-McGard LLC
In Orchard Park, New York State, USA we find an auto parts supplier by the name of McGard LLC-this is how they describe themselves; “McGard is a manufacturer of high quality security products, wheel locks and chrome plated lug nuts. Our customers include some of the finest North American, Japanese and European automotive manufacturers, as well as government agencies, the military, municipalities, and the fuel industry. Since 1966, McGard has become known for its unique product designs and comprehensive service programs in these and other areas where security and safety are top priorities. Consistent high quality that insures the greatest value for our customers is the foundation of our business, and is evident in every McGard product on the market today.”
Our experience with the company shows a very well run, clean and very modern operation. The firm has an impressive captive heat treat department which was enhanced by an ALD Modultherm, vacuum carburizing system not that long ago. The complete installation was finished in 2021 and the company responsible for the installation recently released a You Tube video of the installation which makes for interesting watching.
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