Wallwork Group, Bury, UK
Very recently “The Monty Heat Treat News” was fortunate enough to be able to visit commercial heat treater Wallwork in Bury, UK a trip which we last made in 2013. Wallwork Group Alloy Heat Treatment, Engineering, Castings & Vacuum Equipment | Wallwork Heat Treatment (wallworkht.co.uk) has a number of locations not all involved in heat treating, our interest of course lies in the commercial heat treat facilities of which the facility in Bury, UK is the headquarters.
If any commercial heat treat facility can be considered full service it would be this one. During out tour we saw salt, sealed quench furnaces, nitriding, aluminum drop bottom ovens, Induction, vacuum and vacuum carburizing. What was of most interest to us was the changes and investments in the past 8 years. While they were impressive and numerous the most obvious examples were in the vacuum department with some new additions, the most recent one being a vacuum carburizing system.
These photos will do far more justice to the facility than our words can.
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Left to Right; Tim Pelari, Mike Jarvis, Luke Collins, Gord Montgomery
Gord Montgomery, Jim Oakes (SSI), Mike Jarvis (Wallwork), Richard Burslem (Wallwork, Retired), Matt Cross (SSi), Steve Thompson (SSi)
Batch Sealed Quench Department