Vacuum Furnace Auction-Where Is Used Heat Treat Furnace Pricing Going?

August 18th we posted a news item in which we speculated that the Pandemic has effected used equipment pricing As a follow up note to this item we carefully followed a subsequent auction at Allied Heat Treat last week which included multiple vacuum furnaces to see if the trend of higher pricing continues.

At least in this case it did not.

The furnaces sold for little more than scrap value including this furnace (pictured) which sold for $7,000 USD. Whether this is because most of the furnaces featured were older and required maintenance is hard to say but at least in this case Pandemic pricing increases did not come into play.

“Allied Heat Treat Ltd. Closes-Multiple Vacuum Furnaces to be Auctioned Off Since 1959 commercial heat treater Allied Heat Treat in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada has been offering a wide variety of services including carburizing, gas nitriding, vacuum hardening and carbonitriding. Alas the end of the road was just 2 days ago when the firm ran their last load of parts. August 18th of this year all of the equipment will be going to auction, this includes numerous vacuum furnaces built by Abar Ipsen and Vac Aero and ranging from 1 bar to 5 bar. This is part of some rather substantial changes in the Canadian heat treatment market which is seeing two commercial shops closing down, 2 others merging, one new start up and two brand new captive heat treat departments starting up.”

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