Vacuum Carburizing/CI Hayes
In our recent articles about vacuum carburizing (Low Pressure Carburizing) we pointed out that the true pioneer in the industry was furnace builder CI Hayes in the USA. CI Hayes was acquired by furnace manufacturer Gasbarre a number of years ago and the President of the company Mr. Ben Gasbarre has weighed in with these comments. He has also kindly provided these photos of a modular vacuum oil quench going to a customer as well as a continuous vacuum the company is preparing to ship out.
“Hi Gord, We noticed your posts over the last few weeks and wanted to comment on your recent acknowledgement of C. I. Hayes’ history as it relates to vacuum carburizing and vacuum oil quenching. As you may know, Gasbarre acquired C. I. Hayes in 2003, and we continue to advance the product line for a wide range of industries and processes. You are correct, C. I. Hayes has a long history being at the forefront of vacuum processing. Since 1905, Hayes has led the charge in vacuum carburizing and multi-chamber vacuum furnace systems, including the first to offer the straight through continuous vacuum furnace system. This straight through design for either pressure or oil quenching is unique to the industry, and has been a strong product for us based on its throughput capabilities, cost efficiencies, pure vacuum environment, as well as safety and maintenance advantages. Our proven batch vacuum oil quench furnaces offer many different design intricacies that can adapt the equipment to specific processes. We have designs for ultimate process flexibility including batch systems that offer vacuum oil quenching, pressure quenching, and atmosphere cooling in one system. Because of Gasbarre’s broad product offering, we have the expertise, and have successfully coupled conventional atmosphere heating chambers with high pressure gas quench chambers. Doing the reverse of joining a vacuum heating chamber with a conventional atmosphere oil quench chamber is certainly within our capabilities. Needless to say, the C. I. Hayes product line, under the Gasbarre umbrella, is alive and well and we are continuing to advance the technology! Benjamin Gasbarre, President, Industrial Furnace Systems”
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