USA West Coast Heat Treater Upgrades Facilities

In Hayward, California, USA we find family owned ThermoFusion, a heat treating and brazing company which offers a wide variety of heat treating and brazing processes.

Recently the firm decided it was time to upgrade and enlarge their facilities and the final product is quite impressive as can be seen in these pictures. This represents an investment of over $1 million USD and the space now includes a new lab, floor shop assembly and inspection space, a new 12-15 person conference room, and two new offices. Our first thought when looking at these pictures is that it would be a shame to install any oil quenching furnaces into such a clean, bright environment.

Rather reminds us of a shop in Germany by the name of Werz that “The Monty Heat Treat News” team visited a little while back in that it also was immaculately clean.

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