USA Heat Treating Inc., Doubles Austempering Capacity

In Cleveland, Ohio, USA we find long established commercial heat treater USA Heat Treating Inc. If we start off with the premise that most commercial heat treaters have a specialty we don’t have to think long to suggest that the specialty of USA Heat Treating Inc., is continuous heat treating. Cast link belt lines, rotary retort furnaces, mesh belt stress relieving and mesh belt austempering-all are represented in the firm. The company graces our pages today because quite recently they added a brand new mesh belt austempering line which will double the capacity of the company.

While austempering is a relatively small part of the overall heat treating market, it is a process that continues to slowly grow. Seat belt components, small stampings, lawnmower blades all rely on austempering and the US Midwest is home to all of these. The photos below show the new line in production. 

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