USA Heat Treat Rep Firm Adds Partner

​In North America the vast bulk of capital goods sales in the heat treatment industry are done through independent sales representative organizations (this would include furnace sales, alloy, controls and coolers to name just a few). One of the more successful organizations is MetalPro Resources which covers a wide US territory which includes Ohio and Indiana. According to this press release the firm has just added a fourth partner. 

“MetalPro Resources is pleased to announce that David A. Alvord has joined our group as the fourth partner of our organization.  Dave comes to MetalPro Resources with over 10 years of experience in heat treatment, forging, powder metallurgy, and high-temperature materials.   Working in the fields aerospace, automotive, defense, oil and gas, and medical, he has a broad understanding of the unique requirements of each respective industry.  Dave’s heat treat experience ranges from small batch processing of specialty metals (Ta, W, Nb, Ti, Mo) to high volume production of transmission gears for heavy equipment.  He  holds an undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology and a MBA.   Dave will work out of Northwest Ohio where he resides and will be our main contact in that region as well as portions of Northeast Indiana and West Central Ohio.” 

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