Upcoming Heat Treatment Exhibitions
Typically most heat treatment exhibitions are held in the fall and 2019 is no exception with 3 major shows worth mentioning. Chronologically the first is “13th Heat Treatment – 2019” an annual event being held in Moscow Russia September 17-19. The event bills itself as the only exhibition of thermal equipment and technologies in Russia and has been held for the past 13 years. A list of the exhibitors shows roughly half of the exhibitors are Russian suppliers, followed by European companies with a smattering of Chinese companies. What makes this show quite interesting this year is that IFHTSE (the International Federation for Heat Treaters and Surface Engineering) will be holding a Congress during the show which should be a major draw for the exhibit. While “The Monty” will be in attendance and providing photos this is the first time we will be attending which mean we can’t comment on size or effectiveness of the show. http://www.htexporus.com/
“Heat Treat 2019” is the largest North American show of the year and our personal favorite. This is how the organizers, ASM describe this event which is the 30th; “Heat Treat 2019, the biennial show from the ASM Heat Treating Society, is considered the premier, can’t-miss event for heat treating professionals in North America. This year’s conference and expo will feature an exciting mix of new technology, exhibits, technical programming and networking events geared toward the heat treating industry.” The event this year covers 3 days October 15-17th and is being held in Detroit, Michigan in conjunction with Motion + Power Technology Expo 2019 (formerly Gear Expo). Again “The Monty” will be at this event and providing live coverage. https://www.asminternational.org/web/heat-treat-2019
“HartereiKongress 19” in Cologne, Germany is a really top notch event and well worth attending. The organizers have this to say; “HartereiKongress is the largest industry meeting for the heat treatment industry in Europe. As a symposium with the top-class program and a renowned trade fair, the HartereiKongress combines knowledge and practice in a unique way. It will cover topics like materials for lightweight construction, intelligent process control, innovations in the field of heat treatment, materials technology, manufacturing or process engineering, partial component heat treatment, and functional layers.” This 3 day event is being held October 22-24th and while the exhibitors have in the past largely been European suppliers it has been changing over the years and the event is becoming more international. We have always found this to be a very interesting event and we will as usual be in attendance this year. https://10times.com/hartereikongress Their banner ad can be found on the right hand side of this page.