UK Heat Treater Investing in More Equipment
From one of the largest heat treaters in the UK we have this press release;
“FEBRUARY 15/2023; Extra Nitriding Capacity added to Wallwork Birmingham. Increasing the total units to 8 for the group, this 940mm diameter x 1100mm deep unit will vastly increase capacity for the site and group, and help service the UK manufacturing base for gas nitriding. This is again further commitment from the Wallwork group to continue investing in plant to satisfy current and future customer demand. Further investment in the Birmingham site will continue throughout 2023 with the delivery of 2 new Vacuum furnaces due online early second quarter.”
Over the years “The Monty Heat Treat News” has been fortunate enough to visit several Wallwork locations. Our last visit was in 2021 when we had this summary and photo of the firm’s Bury location.
“OCTOBER 2021. Wallwork Group, Bury, UK; Very recently “The Monty Heat Treat News” was fortunate enough to be able to visit commercial heat treater Wallwork in Bury, UK a trip which we last made in 2013. Wallwork Group
Alloy Heat Treatment, Engineering, Castings & Vacuum Equipment | Wallwork Heat Treatment ( has a number of locations not all involved in heat treating, our interest of course lies in the commercial heat treat facilities of which the facility in Bury, UK is the headquarters.
If any commercial heat treat facility can be considered full service it would be this one. During out tour we saw salt, sealed quench furnaces, nitriding, aluminum drop bottom ovens, Induction, vacuum and vacuum carburizing. What was of most interest to us was the changes and investments in the past 8 years. While they were impressive and numerous the most obvious examples were in the vacuum department with some new additions, the most recent one being a vacuum carburizing system.”
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