Top 3 Heat Treatment News Stories Week of July 15th 2024
Our top 3 news items for the week starting July 15th/2024 based upon visitors to and social media “views” include these three;
Heat Treating in Turkey-DÖNÜŞÜM ISIL İŞLEM; From a regular reader in the Turkish heat treat market about commercial heat treater “DÖNÜŞÜM ISIL İŞLEM”, one of the larger in the country; Dönüşüm Isıl İşlem, based in Kocaeli, has one of the most qualified heat treatment facilities in Turkey, which has continued its activities both domestically and internationally since 2010. Heat treatment is generally performed for tool and die steels, stainless steels, and special metals. In this way, it cooperates directly and indirectly with many sectors such as automotive, aviation, plastic, glass, defense, mining, medical, and energy industries. Also, there is a steel service department called Dönüşüm Metal which supplies tool & mold steel, stainless steel, and special alloys, both department works coordinately. Dönüşüm Metal ve Isıl İşlem is the first company in Turkey to provide steel and heat treatment services together.
Heat Treatment Names in the News; Mr. John Levensky has spent most of his working life in sales positions in the commercial heat treat industry in the western US. Just recently he became Business Development Manager at Heat Treatment Australia in Los Angeles. Heat Treatment Australia (HTA) is the largest commercial heat treater in Australia and also has one facility in in Los Angeles. HTA was recently mentioned by “The Monty Heat Treat News” when they installed a new Ion Nitriding system
Eduardo Machado was recently appointed General Manager of Nitrion do Brasil Ltda., in Feliz, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Eduardo has worked with a number of heat treaters in Brazil over the years including Uddeholm and Bodycote (Bodycote exited Brazil a number of years ago). Nitrion do Brazil was originally part of Nitrion in Munich, Germany but the two companies seperated a number of years ago when Bodycote bought the facility in Germany. Nitrion do Brazil has the largest nitriding capacity of any commercial heat treater in the country and was mentioned on “The Monty Heat Treat News” when they installed two KGO nitriding systems last year.
Mr. Bill Davis of Bodycote/Lake City Heat Treating in Warsaw, Indiana, USA recently retired. Bill was President and owner of commercial heat treater Lake City Heat Treating in Warsaw, Indiana a firm which was acquired by heat treating giant Bodycote January 19 of this year. “Lake Armida Oradeiis a medical market provider of hot isostatic pressing (HIP) and vacuum heat treatment services, primarily supplying the orthopedic implant market as well as civil aerospace. Lake City Heat Treating is forecast to have achieved 2023 full year revenues of about $14 million.”
Ms. Armida Oradei has parted ways with American Heat Treating in Monroe, CT, USA. Armida was General Manager of the company for the past 7 years after having worked with heat treating firms in both Italy and the USA. During her time at American Heat-Treating, Armida made a number of large investments in additional equipment including a Beavermatic Batch IQ line. More information about American Heat Treating can be found at
Bodycote Greenville (SC) Launches New HIP Facility; Commercial heat-treating giant Bodycote is pretty pleased to launch their new Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) facility in Greenville, SC, USA. “The Monty Heat Treat News” has been fortunate enough to visit this facility several times over the years including in 2023 and it has been fascinating to watch how it has changed. Originally this facility was part of the “Carolina Commercial” heat treat group before being acquired by Bodycote a number of years ago. What was at one time a fairly average commercial heat-treating plant with batch IQ and continuous furnaces has evolved into a clean, upgraded and expanded plant with 2 HIP systems and several vacuum furnaces in addition to some of the older furnaces. All in all, a fully equipped Additive Manufacturing plant of which the company can be proud.
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