Thermcraft Appoints Andy Belling as General Manager

From well known heat treat industry supplier Thermcraft of Winston-Salem, NC, USA we have this press release about how they have just appointed Mr. Andy Belling as General Manager. “Welcome Andy Belling! We are pleased to welcome Andrew Belling to the Thermcraft team as the new General Manager. Andy comes us to us with a diverse career in manufacturing leadership. He also has a strong history and degree in Ceramics Engineering. We look forward to Andy propelling Thermcraft forward!”

Want to know more about the company? “The Monty Heat Treat News” visited the firm just over two years ago and this is how we described the company at the time; “Thermcraft Incorporated. Winston-Salem, North Carolina; For years we have been running across Thermcraft at all the various heat treat shows but we have never known a great deal about the company, so when the opportunity presented itself to visit the company we jumped at it. Thermcraft has almost 80 employees in a 75,000 square foot building and what they are very good at is custom designed, electrically heated furnaces, control systems, ovens and high temperature heaters. We very much doubt that they are very often the low bidder because everything we saw was absolutely top end.”

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