The Monty’s 50 Largest North American Commercial Heat Treats 2022 Coming Soon

Since 1999 “The Monty” has been publishing annually a list of the largest commercial heat treaters in North America based upon annual sales-our 2021 list can be found at 50 Largest North American Commercial Heat Treats 2021 | The Monty It is now the time to update our list to reflect on changes that have occurred over the past year. While we expect some changes in our rankings we don’t expect to see anything monumental and this is entirely due to COVID and all its myriad of side effects including supply chain issues.

While COVID is now pretty much in our rear view mirror over the past two years it drastically slowed down in person meetings which made it difficult for any sort of acquisitions. To the best of our knowledge we can only think of one substantial acquisition and that was Thermal Process Holdings acquiring Rockford Heat Treaters in February of this year, an acquisition which might change their ranking as the 11th largest in North America.

What had far more of an effect on rankings was the industries which each company was most focused on. As an example hardest hit were those companies almost exclusively tied to the aerospace industry while firms specializing in the medical industry saw little change and heat treaters related to the firearms business couldn’t keep up with demand. Those firms involved in the auto industry saw turbulent times indeed with peaks and valleys never seen before.

So coming soon we will have our list of the 50 largest North American Commercial Heat Treaters in 2022.

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