The Monty’s 50 Largest North American Commercial Heat Treats 2021 – #44 Vac Aero, Canada
Since 1999 “The Monty” has been publishing annually a list of the largest commercial heat treaters in North America based upon annual sales, our 2021 list can be found at This year readers will see we became much more ambitious and expanded the list to the 50 largest. In our 44th spot we have Vac Aero.
VAC AERO International provides heat treating and brazing of advanced materials for the aerospace and other high technology industries. Specializing in vacuum processing, VAC AERO holds numerous heat treating and quality system approvals from prime manufacturers, with AS9100 and NADCAP accredited plants strategically located within the Toronto to Montreal aerospace manufacturing corridor of Canada. The Oakville, Ontario operation is one of North America’s largest subcontract heat treaters of aircraft landing gear components while the St Laurent, Quebec operation is focused primarily on gas turbine engine and airframe components.
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