The Monty’s 50 Largest North American Commercial Heat Treats 2021 – #16 FPM Heat Treating
Since 1999 “The Monty” has been publishing annually a list of the largest commercial heat treaters in North America based upon annual sales, our 2021 list can be found at This year readers will see we became much more ambitious and expanded the list to the 50 largest. In our 16th spot we have FPM Heat Treating.
For over 40+ years FPM Heat Treating has been providing unsurpassed service and quality heat treating to the nation’s manufacturing community. We have assembled a leading team of heat treating practitioners and metallurgists who understand how to control the many process variables to satisfy and meet the challenging OEM and Military/Aerospace specifications. Some of our capabilities include Batch and Continuous processing of Through Hardening, Carburizing, Carbonitriding, FNC, Nitriding, Salt Bath and our Vacuum processing of Age Hardening, Annealing, Bright Hardening, and our patented Nitrotec Process. We are ISO 9001-2015 Certified at all locations and maintain Nadcap accreditation in our Elk Grove facility. Along with our Nadcap approval we have many accreditations and approvals such as CQI-9 certified, Sikorsky, Pratt & Whitney, GE Aviation, and Honeywell just to name a few. We proudly are heavily involved in the Metal Treating Institute and local Mid-West trade associations
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