The Monty’s 40 Most Influential People in The North American Heat Treating Industry 2021-Mr. Shlok Sundaresh

For 25 years “The Monty Heat Treat News” has published a list of the most influential people in the North American Heat Treating Industry, the 2021 list can be found at 40 Most Influential People in The North American Heat Treating Industry 2021 | The Monty At #4 on our list we find a young fellow by the name of Mr. Shlok Sundaresh who at the time of publication was working with TS USA in Ohio (he is now with Tosoh SMD). As it turns out we are not the only organization to recognize his abilities, according to this report Shlok will be receiving the 2021 ASM HTS/Surface Combustion Emerging Leader Award at this weeks ASM event.

Mr. Shlok Sundaresh Engineering Manager – North America Techniques Surface USA (TS USA – HEF Group)

Dear Shlok:

I am pleased to inform you that you have been selected as the recipient of the 2021 ASM HTS/Surface Combustion Emerging Leader Award. Established in 2013, the award recognizes an outstanding early to mid-career heat treating professional whose accomplishments exhibit exceptional achievements in the heat treating industry. 

The award acknowledges an individual who sets the “highest standards” for HTS participation and inspires others to dedicate themselves to the advancement and promotion of vacuum and atmosphere heat treating technologies. The award is sponsored by Surface Combustion Inc. and includes a check for $4,000.

 You are being recognized for “For outstanding leadership and technical expertise in heat treatment, especially in development and application of nitriding/nitrocarburizing technologies across diverse market segments such as automotive, industrial machinery and oil & gas.” The award presentation will be made at the HTS General Membership Meeting, scheduled in conjunction with the ASM Heat Treating Society Conference and Exposition, to be held in St. Louis, MO, September 13-16, 2021.

Sincerely, Eric L. Hutton President, HTS

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