“The Monty” Visits Furnace Builder “Vac Aero”
Earlier this week Gord Montgomery of “The Monty Heat Treat News” had the opportunity to visit vacuum furnace manufacturer “Vac Aero” in Burlington, Ontario, Canada. As we have mentioned before “Vac Aero” is both a commercial heat treater (and one of the largest in North America as ranked by “The Monty”) and also a long established supplier of new vacuum furnaces and hot zones.
While we are going to have a more detailed look at the company in the near future we can say at this point that we saw a lot of smiling faces at Vac Aero. The reason being that the firm has just come off of a record breaking 2023, record breaking in that they sold more vacuum furnaces than any other year in their history. And as it turns out 2024 is starting off well, this bottom load unit is one of several on the floor in various stages of construction, stay tuned for more about the company.
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