“The Monty Heat Treat News” January 2022 Issue
The link below will take you to the January 2022 issue of “The Monty Heat Treat News”, 64 pages of the most up to date news in the global heat treatment industry. In this issue you will read;
- Are Greenhouse Gas Emissions starting to dictate how furnaces in North America are heated?
- A commercial heat treater in Upstate NY, USA is continuing to prosper in spite of current challenges.
- Sites Medical in the US continues to grow their in house heat treatment department
- We finish our series on heat treating in Portugal
- Watlow Electric in Mexico adds vacuum furnace
- SECO Lands an order for 11 count them 11 Furnaces from one customer
And lots more heat treat news from the largest source of heat treat news in the world “The Monty Heat Treat News”. Gord, Jordan and Dale Montgomery
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