Tennessee, USA Heat Treater to Add Nitriding, Hires Sales Manager
Ever since Mr. Clif Coleman took over Mid-South Metallurgical in 2007 we have watched with interest as the commercial heat treater in Murfreesboro, TN, USA has modernized, added processes and more equipment and grown at a very impressive rate.
As an example we have these two very recent press releases from the firm, one about adding gas nitriding later this year and the second about the hire of Darren Cash as Sales and Business Development Manager.
“Mid-South Metallurgical to Offer Gas Nitriding in 2022; Mid-South Metallurgical will add gas nitriding heat treatment processes to its service offerings in the summer/fall of 2022. “We are excited to introduce this process to our line of heat-treating services to serve existing customers and new customers,” President/Owner Clif Coleman says, “This investment is yet another big step in the growth of Mid-South Metallurgical. Stay tuned for more updates.”
“Darren Cash Joins Mid-South Metallurgical; We are pleased to introduce and welcome Darren Cash as Sales and Business Development Manager at Mid-South Metallurgical. Darren’s responsibilities will encompass maintaining existing customer relationships, expanding and developing new business, and contributing to the company’s marketing and business strategies.
Darren joins Mid-South with an impressive technical sales background in diverse manufacturing related environments. Prior to his technical sales roles, Darren held technical leadership positions with Dupont and Alstom Power and has worked extensively with Heat Treating, Thermal coatings and Metallurgical analysis over the past several years. Said Clif Coleman, President of Mid-South Metallurgical, “Darren is an outstanding addition to our Mid-South Team, as he brings a deep diversity of technical experience and is proactive in identifying opportunities and helping customers reach their goals. We continue to focus on growing our business by building our Team and investing in equipment, capacity, and new processes. Darren’s technical and sales background and experience will have a significant impact on our long-term success. We are excited to have him onboard.”
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