TATA Advanced Systems Installs Additional SECO/WARWICK Furnaces
“India has been called in recent years the “Tiger of East” due to the growing automotive industry, and it is one of the most promising markets. This is where SECO/WARWICK equipment was delivered to TATA Advanced Systems and leading manufacturer of coolers. One of the Indian automotive leaders has just expanded its line with the second three chamber CaseMaster Evolution (CMe-T)R furnace to be used for brazing heat exchangers. Thanks to vacuum technology, the plant will significantly improve its efficiency.
The CaseMaster Evolution – T (CMe-T) is a three chamber vacuum furnace that can be used in many processes. It can, for example, ensure surface hardening using low-pressure carburizing (LPC) and high-pressure oil or nitrogen hardening. The equipment stands out not only by its three chamber construction but primarily, by a significant improvement in the quality of the process, cost efficiency, increased performance and better production flexibility. It is one of the most popular metal-working furnaces in the automotive industry. The furnace ordered by the Indian client will serve for gas brazing and quenching.”