Surface Combustion “Allcase” Furnaces-Trivia Time

In North America the most common brand of Batch IQ (Batch Integral Quench) furnace is without a doubt the Surface Combustion “Allcase” line of furnaces.  Introduced in 1951 the “Allcase” furnace originally had working dimensions of 24″ x 36″ X 24″-over the years the company has added a number of different sized units ranging up to 36″ X 72″ X 36″ with the “Super 36″ style with working dimensions of 36″ X 48″ X 36” probably the most common. So how many are out there now? Surface claims over 3,000 installations worldwide which is one heck of a lot of furnaces. Incidentally while there are more Surface Batch IQ furnaces installed in North America than any other brand our bet would be that globally furnace builder Ipsen has produced more batch IQ furnaces than any other company.

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