Super Systems India Working Towards New Collaboration
Based in Cincinatti, Ohio, USA, furnace controls company Super Systems Inc. (SSi) has a number of locations around the globe to serve their heat treat customers, this includes Super Systems India. During a recent visit by Damian Bratcher, International Sales Manager for SSI the company got together with Gefran Italy to explore future opportunities together. Gefran has been a close partner of SSi’s over the years producing a number of hardware options including the newly introduced AC50 controller. The meeting was held at the Gefran offices in Pune, India and the two firms are very optimistic that they will find some “common ground” going forward.
This photo shows from the left; Kalpesh Desai (Gefran India), Damian Bratcher (Super Systems, USA), Shrawan Kumar (Super Systems India), Varghese Iype (Super Systems India), Vikrant Agashe (Gefran India).
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