SSi Mexico Seminar
“SSi Mexico conducted a one-day technical in Monterrey, Mexico on 29 August 2019. The session was attended by fifty-one heat treatment professionals from the states of Chihuahua, Nuevo León, Coahuila, and Tamaulipas. The attendees represented commercial and captive heat treatment operators and managers. The topics included Principles of Heat Treating, Quality & Metrology in Thermal Treatment, Endothermic Atmospheres, Flow Meter Technology, Atmosphere Controllers & Troubleshooting, SCADA, Sensor & Analyzer Theory & Technology and Thermocouples & Pyrometry. The technical presentations were conducted by SSi Mexico’s quality lab technicians, sales engineers and Super Systems Inc.’s Manager Mexican Operations Steve Duban and Director International Operations Damian Bratcher. The conference included hands-on breakout sessions demonstrating Super Systems Inc’s products and solutions. The breakout sessions provided a detailed review of Super Systems Inc.’s process controls, analytical devices and SCADA software solutions. The event concluded with a scenic boat cruise along the Santa Lucia River Walk, tapas, cerveza and Blanton’s bourbon. SSi Mexico’s next technical seminar is 24 October 2019 in Santiago de Querétaro, Mexico.”