Solar Atmospheres, Western PA Awarded Gulfstream Approval
Solar Atmospheres of Western Pennsylvania is proud to announce their recent Gulfstream approval for material process specifications GAMPS 5101 and 5102. Specification GAMPS 5101 relates to the heat treatment of low alloy steels, and GAMPS 5102 is associated with the annealing and precipitation hardening of PH stainless steel. Compliance to these two specifications are fundamental to ensure that flight-critical raw materials and parts are heat treated and tested properly.
“This prime approval not only gives our current customer base permission to use our location for thermal processing of Gulfstream components, it also gives them the ability to run larger loads of 40,000 – 60,000 lbs. at a time, due to our large furnace sizes,” stated Michael Johnson, Sales Manager. “The larger loads reduce the number of certifications, furnace charts, and mechanical testing documentation that is typically required post heat treating.”
For additional information about Solar Atmospheres, contact Mike Johnson at 1-855-934-3284 or [email protected], and visit us at