Item # VF456 Manufactured by Vac Aero this is a Model 5050 MD-10, 10 bar quenching horizontal vacuum furnace
Working dimensions of 36″ X 48″ deep
10 Bar Nitrogen Quenching
- Eurotherm E+PLC 400, Televac MM200 controls
Operating temper 2400F
- 600 Volts, 3 phase, 60Hz, 80 Amps
New in 2005, reconditioned in 2019
Always run on a closed loop cooling system with treater water.
Also available is a surge tank, cooling system by Vac Aero and a powered charge car
Very good condition, currently installed and in operation. Asking $350,000.00 USD.
For More Details Contact:
Jordan Montgomery
[email protected]