Pharmaceutical Industry Supplier Orders Vacuum Furnace

“Adamus, a European manufacturer of punch tools and spare parts for tablet presses, capsule presses and blister machines used in the pharmaceutical industry, has ordered a Vector vacuum furnace to efficiently heat treat a wide range of punches used in tablet production. The Vector vacuum furnace on order solves the partner’s challenge to grow production in order to meet the increased demand for the number of punch hardening processes for tablet production.
“Adamus contacted us for the fourth time. This time, the Partner wanted to replace an older, inefficient vacuum furnace with oil hardening, with a modern, more ecological and more economical vacuum furnace with gas hardening. Vector will perfectly meet these needs. It is compact, so it will not take up much space, it is efficient and ensures process purity, which is extremely important in the pharmaceutical industry,”- says Maciej Korecki, Vice President of the Vacuum Furnaces Segment at SECO/WARWICK.
The Vector for Adamus is equipped with numerous options, including convection, directional cooling and isothermal quenching, which increase the solution’s efficiency and effectiveness. Thanks to the inverter control, we can switch on the optimal cooling power in the appropriate process segment. Another big advantage is low heat loss and good temperature uniformity in the graphite heating chamber, which is resistant to rapid wear and is easy to use and service.
The pharmaceutical industry is one of the most demanding in terms of standards, procedures and technical parameters, which must be met by equipment involved in the production process. Complex components used in the pharmaceutical production process must be characterized by excellent workmanship and precision results. These finished components are integral to the manufacturing process, ultimately determining not only the final medical product, but also human health and life. Therefore, manufacturers of stamping tools, tablet presses, capsule machines and other machines used in the pharmaceutical industry, when choosing solutions for their hardening plants, are guided primarily by quality, reliability and experience.
“The essence of our work is to listen to the Partner’s needs and propose solutions which will fully meet them. SECO/WARWICK vacuum solutions are designed in such a way that we can equip them with various options without the need to modify the main structure. Thanks to this, the flagship Vector vacuum furnace can work for the aviation, medical, tool and automotive industries,” – said Paweł Okińczyc, Sales Engineer at SECO/WARWICK.”
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