People News
Remember how we mentioned a week ago how Mike Arnold a heat treat engineer working with one of the largest commercial heat treaters in Michigan had parted ways with the company? As it turns out he now has a really cool new position, that of Heat Treat Process Coach at Ford Motor Company in Michigan. We have no idea what this title means but it does sound like it could be a really fun job. Mike by the way has been heavily involved in vacuum carburizing of automotive transmission components and as we all know Ford maintains one of the largest vacuum carburizing installations in North America in Lima, Ohio which has numerous ECM furnaces. The fit is obvious. Commercial heat treater Metlab in PA, USA has a new Quality Manager, Daniel Lewis as we can see in this press release. And Metlab’s claim to fame? The company runs some of the largest pit carburizing furnaces in North America.
“Metlab continues to build a successful business by providing quality heat treating and surface finishing services for its customers. To continue this legacy, Metlab has recently hired Daniel Lewis as the Quality Manager for the company. Mr. Lewis oversees a wide range of processes and procedures, including production planning and material management. The focus of his position is to be continually reviewing and updating the company’s quality procedures. “Quality is embedded in all of Metlab’s procedures and policies.” Lewis states. “Continual monitoring and improvement ensure efficient processes and consistently meeting our customer’s specifications. The work performed by the Quality Department is a critical element in the value of our services, but the most important thing is that we work with production management to ensure work consistently moves out the door.” Mr. Lewis is very familiar with all the heat-treating processes with a recent BA of in Materials Science & Engineering from Drexel, and on-the-job experience as a Metallurgical Engineer and Plant Metallurgist. To leverage the entire range of his expertise, Mr. Lewis is also involved with metallurgical consulting to help with customer investigations by providing solutions and establishing preventative measures and processes.”