New York State Commercial Heat Treater Continues to Prosper

This week “The Monty Heat Treat News” had the opportunity to visit a number of a captive and commercial heat treaters in New York State, USA, which provided the opportunity to see how they had weathered the turmoil of the past 18 months.

Rochester Steel Treating Works in Rochester, NY is a family owned commercial heat treat and one of the oldest in North America having been founded in 1932 We would classify this firm as a slightly larger than average shop in terms of sales and a “full service” facility in that their equipment includes batch IQ furnaces, vacuum hardening and tempering furnaces, induction heat treat systems and several other technologies.

Perhaps because the company specializes in smaller volumes of work from a wide variety of industries Rochester has survived the past 18 months just fine and the company has continued to grow and prosper with a steady if not growing workforce.

This photo which was taken December 9th in RST’s vacuum department shows part of the team responsible this continuing success story, from the left: Johnny D’Aprile Vacuum Operator, Greg Schledorn Maintenance Lead, Anthony Beaman Vacuum Operator and Nick O’Neil Production Coordinator.

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