Nakal Supplies Roller Hearth Furnace To Vietnam
Furnace builder Nakal delivers a brand new roller hearth furnace to Electronic Informatics Chemical Company (Ho Chi Minh City). With working chamber dimensions of (L x W x H) – 6000 mm Long x 300 mm Wide x 300 mm High, this furnace will be used to heat treat up to 6 meter long pipes. There are 3 control zones with a maximum temperature of 1100°C. Nakal was founded in 1992 and among some of their regular customers are ALCOA, the Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center, Perm Motors, Sevmash, Lukoil, Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aviation Production Association, Russian Railways, Severstal, Mechel, Volzhsky Pipe Plant, Almaz-Antey Air Defense Concern.