Midwest USA Commercial Heat Treater Poised to add More Batch IQ Capacity
Regular readers will recall that in late 2021 Halliburton, one of the world’s largest providers of products and services for the oil and gas industry auctioned off some of their equipment at their facility in Conroe, Texas, USA. Included in the offerings were three 36″ X 48″ X 36″ batch IQ furnaces provided by AFC-Holcroft and all ancillary equipment including tempers, washer, charge car and endo generator. The equipment ended up being bought by a US used equipment dealer for less money than we would have expected considering it was in half decent shape and relatively new.
We have just learned that the entire package was purchased by a commercial heat treater in the US Midwest. We are not privy to the customers long term plans, but we will say that if they intend to install all 3 in the near future this is adding a lot of capacity when you consider this size of furnace is capable of 3500 pound loads.
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