Michigan Heat Treater Closes Doors for Good
It is quite unusual to see a commercial heat treater close it’s doors for good and sell off the furnaces and building separately but it does happen from time to time. A couple that come to mind that have closed down in the past few years would include the Robert Wooler Company in Dresher, PA., and Donovan Heat Treating in Philadelphia, PA but these are exceptions. Unfortunately we have just been informed that a commercial heat treater in Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA has recently closed their doors for good-Precision Heat Treating is no more with the equipment being sold off. We know little about this company although it had been in business for over 70 years and had roughly 10 employees. A quick look at the equipment gives an indication as to why, it would appear to be old and tired with little sign of new investments. It is a shame to see such a long established company disappear.
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