Metal Treating Institute Hosts Session 2 of YES Management Program
MTI hosted session 2 of its famed YES Management Training Program May 24-26 in Pittsburgh, PA. MTI’s 2023 class includes 35 executives from 23 companies. The YES program is a 10- month 4 session executive management training program focused on:
– How to Build High Performing Teams
– Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace
– Building Your Leadership Presence
– Effective Implementation of Strategy in Your Company
To view a photo highlight gallery of the Pittsburgh program, CLICK HERE. With studies showing workers are not leaving their companies, they are leaving their bosses, building effective leaders is an absolute must in today’s workforce. MTI’s YES program has been laser focused on graduating leaders who can make positive change within their companies to create a culture of change, innovation, service and purpose. The YES program combines plant tours, classroom learning, experiential exercises and networking to create an energizing learning experience. MTI CEO Tom Morrison stated at this most recent program, “It is amazing to see the growth in each of the individuals in the MTI YES program. Our process of focusing on not just professional development, but also personal development inspires each person to take the excitement and creative ideas learned during the program back to their companies.”
Every company who sends executives to the program feels it gives them a competitive advantage in the marketplace because the program is teaching managers how to be effective leaders of people with focus on strategic thinking, building teams, how to communicate and present ideas. The demand for the program within MTI has been so great that the 2024 and 2025 classes are already sold out. If you would like more information on the MTI YES Management Training Program, CLICK HERE. MTI, a non-profit trade association, is the world’s largest network of heat treaters with sales over $1.5 billion in sales and plants in 40 states and 6 countries. For more information on MTI, visit
Each session MTI sets up tours of local heat treating or related businesses. For the Pittsburgh session, they visited Solar Atmospheres of Western PA in the morning, and then went onto Penna Flame Industries in the afternoon. Below is a picture from the Solar Atmospheres visit.
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