Mark Saline Appointed President of Sinterite &CI Hayes

“Gasbarre, based in DuBois, Pennsylvania, USA, has announced the appointment of Mark Saline as president of Sinterite & CI Hayes furnace lines, a promotion from his original position with the company as General Manager. In his new role, Saline will oversee the manufacturing of the company’s entire Thermal Processing Systems line.

Saline completed degrees in Materials Engineering and Business Management from Penn State University before beginning his career with a sixteen-year tenure at a GKN Sinter Metals, in a range of production positions. His career progressed as he moved into management positions at American Sintered Technologies before he returned to GKN, with management experience gained, as Operations & Plant Manager, where he was tasked with overseeing all aspects of the global company.

Gasbarre believes Saline and his team will use their years of experience, both with Gasbarre and elsewhere, to advance proven technology, understand the needs of customers and design furnaces to match any process requirements.

Currently, Saline sits on the Metal Powder Industries Federation Program (MPIF) Committee and serves as a judge for the PM Part Design Excellence Award. He has written multiple publications on processing in continuous furnaces and provides input in the Center for Powder Metallurgy Technology (CPMT) and local educational institutions.”

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