Machine Shop/Captive Heat Treat Sending Furnaces to Auction
In Garland, Texas, USA we find Powell Manufacturing Company, a precision machine shop and captive heat treater sending a bunch of equipment to auction April 21st of this year. Our interest in the equipment begins and ends with the heat treating furnaces-in this particular case our interest would be close to zero. While there are several heat treat related items the main ones are a Lindberg batch IQ furnace and a CI Hayes continuous vacuum unit.
The Lindberg is small, old and tired and worth every penny of the $5.00 initial bid being asked. The CI Hayes continuous vacuum is a rather odd item to find at a company like this. CI Hayes (now part of Gasbarre) built a number of these over the years and it proved to be a very respectable design. However there is not a lot of demand for this style of furnace and they are generally only found in high volume production locations which this does not appear to be.
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