Largest New Furnace Order in North America in 2021 Being Placed as we Speak?
To round out our heat treatment news for the week we have this fascinating rumor to share with our readers. A captive (in house) heat treater in Canada is in the process of placing orders for new furnaces and associated equipment, orders which could be in excess of $10 million USD. Our understanding is that the orders will include nitriding furnaces, vacuum furnaces, tempers and washers-all the equipment required for a large, new, modern heat treat facility. If these details are correct and all the orders have indeed been placed this would be by far the largest new furnace order in Canada in 2021 and probably the largest in North America for the year-so far. We will keep you posted on this very interesting potential story as more details hopefully come available. We leave you with these photos of some very impressive in house vacuum heat treating operations which we have seen over the years.
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