John Hubbard Retires from TPH Board of Directors

We have long considered John Hubbard to be one of the most successful commercial heat treaters of all time-his accomplishments in the industry are legendary (to learn more about John we would suggest his “Heat Treat Podcast” According to this press release John has decided that now is the time for him to retire from the Board of Directors of “Thermal Process Holdings”, the 11th largest commercial heat treater in North America as ranked by “The Monty Heat Treat News

“March 7, 2022; Thermal Process Holdings (“TPH”) has announced that John  Hubbard P.E. has retired from its Board of Directors.  Mr. Hubbard said: “Following the acquisition of Rockford Heat Treat, it is a good time for me to step away from the business.  I’m proud of the platform we have established, including the acquisition of five companies, and wish the team continued success.”

Todd McDonald, CEO of TPH, commented: “It has been a real pleasure to work with John over the past several years.  His experience and knowledge of heat treating is second to none, and I have benefited tremendously from working with him.”

ABOUT THERMAL PROCESS HOLDINGS; Thermal Process Holdings, Inc. owns and operates six heat treat locations:  Rockford Heat Treat and Diamond Heat Treat (Rockford, IL); Certified Heat Treating (Springfield, OH); Hudapack (Elkhorn and Franklin, WI); and P&L (Youngstown, OH). The company’s stated goal is to build a diversified, professionally managed thermal processing business generating over $100 million of revenue by providing differentiated value-added services. Central to this strategy is identifying and bringing together businesses that share a focus on safety, quality, service, and advanced technology.

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