Jim Oakes from Super Systems Recognized as First Ever Furnaces North America Industry Award Recipient
“At the opening night kickoff reception, Furnaces North America (FNA 2022), North America’s premier trade show and technical conference, recognized Jim Oakes, President of Super Systems in Cincinnati, OH with the first ever FNA Industry Award.
This award is given to an individual in recognition of their contribution(s) and current/ongoing commitment to the betterment of the heat treating industry with one or more significant accomplishments in the last 5 years in the area of innovation, leadership, academia, or research.
The Metal Treating Institute’s 2018 President, Pete Hushek, who gave the award to Jim stated, “Over the last five years, no one has been more deserving of this award than Jim Oakes. Having served as President of ASM for two years and immediately being elected as President, serving two years during the pandemic, along with his service in a host of other technical standards groups, Jim’s leadership shined as he led two of the major associations the last 5 years.”
Jim Oakes stated upon receiving the award, “This is truly an incredible honor to be recognized by my peers. We don’t do what we do for awards. We do it to make a difference. It is through that difference that we make a better future for everyone. It has always been a pleasure to serve this great industry.”
Furnaces North America is produced by the Metal Treating Institute in partnership with its media partner, Heat Treat Today. Established in 1933, MTI is an international non-profit trade association for the heat treating industry. MTI is based in Hendersonville, TN with members in 40 states and 6 countries. For more information, visit www.heattreat.net.”
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