Jacob Krashan, AVS Inc., Ayer, Massachusetts, USA
So who is Jacob (Jake) Krashan and why should we care? Jake is a long time employee of AVS Inc., a manufacturer of custom vacuum and pressure furnaces who just recently became CEO and owner of the company. Currently we have few details about Jake and how this came about, however we are expecting a formal press release in the near future. We at “The Monty” have visited the company and it made for a fascinating visit although we struggle to describe what the company does. When it started in 1967 the goal was to manufacture vacuum furnaces with resistance and induction heating systems, however over the years it has evolved and it’s products are many and varied and quite often custom systems. One example would be hot press furnaces for vacuum hot pressing, diffusion bonding, thermal forging and powder densification. Other examples include quartz melting furnaces and Sinter HIP furnaces-in short it is hard to slot the company into one particular area. We will say that what we saw during our visit was quite interesting and very sophisticated. More to come.
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