Induction Heat Treating Corp., Makes Acquisition
Located in Chrystal Lake, Illinois, USA Induction Heat Treating Corp., is a very rare type of commercial heat treater in that the company only offers Induction heat treating. Founded in 1946 it now has over 60 employees working out of a 35,000 square foot facility. Induction Heat Treating – Induction Heat Treating Corporation (
Thermet Inc., in Waukesha, WI, USA is in turn another commercial heat treater started in 1978 and again it is a company which only offers induction heat treating. Thermet, Inc. – Induction Harden, Heat Treating
Recently IHT acquired Thermet with the plan that it will remain a stand alone commercial heat treater. “The Monty Heat Treat News” is looking forward to visiting IHT in the next few weeks.
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