IHT Appoints Uwe Schmelzing as Chairman

​For our many German readers this makes for interesting reading. The Industrieverband Härtetechnik (IHT) is a very well respected organization serving the German heat treatment industry. According to this press release Mr. Uwe Schmelzing will be appointed as the new chairman at IHT’s annual general meeting this September. Uwe has had a very distinguished career in the heat treat industry having worked with commercial heat treater Härterei Hauck (now Aalberts). “The Monty” worked with Uwe many years ago and we have always had a high opinion of the man. We dug through our archived photos and came up with this one from October of 2023 taken at the HT23 exhibition. Uwe is on the right and Jordan Montgomery is on his right. 

“We are proud to announce that the board of the IHT elected our technical director Uwe Schmelzing as new chairman at this year’s annual general meeting in Dresden. On September 1st, 2024, Uwe Schmelzing will succeed Peter Keller, who is going into well-deserved retirement.

We congratulate Uwe on his election; he is already the third chairman from the ranks of Aalberts. After the chairmen Karl-Heinz Horz (founding chairman) and Rolf S. Wamhser, at that time still under the old company name Härterei Hauck, Uwe Schmelzing will endeavour to successfully continue the tradition from the Aalberts companies.

The Industrieverband Härtetechnik (IHT) is integrated into the general representation of interests of the German industry and uses the advantages of an intelligent division of labour within the network. The partners of this network are the BDI (Bundesverband der deutschen Industrie e.V.) and the WSM (Wirtschaftsverband Stahl- und Metallverarbeitung e.V.).”

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