IHEA Announces 2019-20 Board of Directors and Officers
INDEPENDENCE, KY., May 14, 2019 – The Industrial Heating Equipment Association (IHEA) recently announced its 2019 – 2020 Board of Directors and Executive Officers. IHEA’s President is Michael Stowe of Advanced Energy; Scott Bishop of Alabama Power Company assumes the role of Vice-President; and Jeff Valuck of Surface Combustion was elected Treasurer. Serving as Past President is Daniel Llaguno of Nutec Bickley. IHEA also welcomed three new board members: Gary Berwick of Dry Coolers, Bob Fincken of Super Systems, Inc., and Doug Glenn. IHEA President Michael Stowe comments,
“At our recent annual meeting in Sarasota, FL, we were very excited to officially appoint three new board members. They will each serve a three-year term, with service through the 2022 annual meeting. These folks represent dozens of years of process heating experience across several different markets. IHEA is very fortunate to have them serving on our board.” Gary Berwick is a veteran in the heat-treating industry with over 30 years’ experience. He has been involved with IHEA since the early 1990s and stays active through his engineered sales role with Dry Coolers. Berwick is also a member of the Metal Treating Institute and the American Society of Manufacturing. IHEA is fortunate to have Gary’s valuable contributions on the Education committee as well.
IHEA gains a respected industry professional in Bob Fincken of Super Systems Inc. Fincken is their national sales manager for all of North America with 30 years of experience in controls and sensors. He is a great asset on IHEA’s Safety Standards and Codes committee and provides input for IHEA’s educational tools to support the association’s knowledge base. To complete the Board of Directors for 2019 – 2020, IHEA is proud to name those continuing their service: B.J. Bernard, Surface Combustion, Inc.; Brian Kelly, Honeywell Thermal Solutions; Francis Liebens, SOLO Swiss Group, John Podach, Fostoria Process Equipment, a div. of TPI Corp., Jason Safarz, Selas Heat Technology Co. LLC; and John Stanley, Karl Dungs, Inc.