Heat Treatment Norway

Regular Readers of “The Monty” will know that our team is constantly searching for captive and commercial heat treat facilities around the world, this hunt took us to Longyearbyen, Norway just 2 days ago-Longyearbyen, Norway by the way is the most northerly city in the world.
Alas not a heat treat in sight but polar bears galore, so much so that the city posts signs directing the bears to keep out as you can see here.
On a serious note, Norway with a small manufacturing base and a population of only a little over 5.5 million has as you would expect little heat treating. The only heat treatment facility in Norway that “The Monty” has worked with over the years is a firm called “Dokka Fasteners”, a manufacturer of heavy duty fasteners for industries such as oil & gas and wind power https://www.dokkafasteners.com/
Our understanding is that heat treating in Norway is very advanced and largely dedicated to the oil and gas industries.
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