Heat Treater Orders 2 Heat Treat Systems
The vacuum furnace on order by the hardening plant enables efficient processes to be carried out at a very good vacuum level, in both medium and high ranges. The round heating chamber allows the placement of oversized loads. Combined with dedicated LPC, HPGQ technology and a high vacuum system, the furnace will fully meet the customer’s requirements for hardening and carburizing a wide range of various parts. The solution has a large number of options – it is equipped with FineCarb® vacuum carburizing, pre-nitriding for PreNitLPC® carburizing technology, and LPCN low-pressure carbonitriding.
The partial pressure system used helps to prevent evaporation and sublimation of alloying elements from the load surface during the vacuum heat treatment or vacuum brazing process. Partial pressure control is important when processing many materials to prevent the heating chamber evaporation and contamination. Isothermal quenching provides better control of the cooling process by automatically managing the load temperature and the gas blower motor control using a frequency converter. The carburizing and low-pressure carbonitriding LPCN options, which the furnace for François Studer SA is equipped with, enables precision processing to increase the steel surface hardness during the entire thermal process.
The second furnace on order is a horizontal retort furnace for gas nitriding using ZeroFlow technology and for high tempering with vacuum purging.”
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