Heat Treater Invests in new “Surface” Batch IQ Furnace
In Edmonton, Alberta, Canada we find commercial heat treater “Thermex Metal Treating, a long established firm owned and run by Mr. Norm Hanson. Thermex is a “full service” commercial heat treater offering Induction Hardening, Nitriding, Carburizing and a number of other processes. The company is just taking delivery of a new “Surface Combustion” gas fired, batch IQ furnace with working dimensions of 36″ X 48″ X 36″ which means the firm will now have 5 batch IQ units.
Alberta is the heart of the oil and gas industry in Canada and the economy fluctuates according to oil prices-currently the economy is booming. Western Canada has virtually no captive or commercial heat treating, Thermex is the largest (for either commercial or captive heat treating) with only a handful of smaller heat treaters in the region. It is expected that this furnace will be up and running by early June of this year.
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