A commercial heat treater in the Cleveland area, Universal Heat Treating & Black Oxiding suffered what can only be described as a devastating fire Sunday May 22, 2022. From Cleveland 19 News we have this report which was issued as the fire was ongoing;
“CLEVELAND, Ohio (WOIO) – The Cleveland Fire Department is currently battling a 2-alarm overnight structure fire at a local business on Cleveland’s East Side, according to officials. The fire started at 10:43 p.m. at Universal Heat Treating, located at 3878 E. 93rd St., department officials said. 14 crews are currently battling the fire, department officials said. Cleveland Fire officials said they are still working to get more details on the fire.”
Universal has a long and distinguished history in the heat treat industry which goes back to the company’s inception in 1965. The firm offers carburizing, vacuum heat treating, induction hardening and carbonitriding to name just a few of their processes. Our hearts go out to the entire team at Universal.
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